Monday, August 31, 2009

YOU are the Light ♥ TÚ eres la Luz

La película "Tú eres la Luz "Es un recordatorio de lo que ya saben, sienten y El Deseo de Ser, Tener y hacer, un fin de CONTRIBUIR algo mejor para este mundo. Mientras más brille Luz  en el espíritu de amor y paz, mejor  te sentirás lograrás y hacer sentir  mejor a todos a tu alrededor.
Cada vez que activas tu brillo influyes en los demás y lo haces brillar también.

Por favor, enciende los altavoces y disfruta de esta película especial.

Espero que  encienda tú mente, espíritu y corazón. ♥


                "You Are The Light"  movie is a reminder of what you already know, feel and desire to be, do and have in order to best contribute to this world. The more you shine your light in the spirit of peace and love, the better you will feel, and the more you feel better, the more that everything and everybody around you feels and responds in kind.

Your Light is yours to use. It awaits your expression and remembrance of it. In the midst of any resistance, we just need to remember who we are and what we came here to live. Every time you turn on your light, it changes the behavior of everyone and everything that comes in contact with your radiance. Conditions and circumstances improve instantly as you radiate from the inside out, your light.

From my heart to your heart... this movie is our gift to you to share as you choose to shine your light so that other's may shine their lights too.

Please turn on your speakers and relax into the music.
I hope it re-ignites your mind, heart and