Look deep into your soul and ask for the Divine presence of God to touch your heart, to be able to learn your mission in his Divine plan. If you feel inside a little something calling for you to act, please do not hesitate, come and join all Lightworkers around the world.
Let your light shine the path for others as well. You are called to open new roads of Change.
Your tools as; Thoughts, Emotions, Words, and Actions, each of these covered of love must be used to put more light to the world.
It's easy for you to realize the years of training of your life that has given you the wings ready to fly and the power to pass it on to others.
Reach and ask for the help of your guides, being your Angels, and listen carefully the voice of God inside your heart, leave your fears behind and obey to the love of God.. HE is calling YOU to work for him.
You are the message, YOU are the change, it's YOU who will put a drop of peace, a drop of joy, a drop a hope..simply because as everyone of us, YOU are a drop of God surfing with him in a Love Ocean.